courgette – the gardeners best friend

if you ever had courgettes in your garden or on your balcony you know what i mean saying that courgettes are the gardeners best friend. particularly if you have more than one plant, you will always have at least one courgette at a time. and if you are a lucky one, you will have so many courgettes that you will be happy to give some of them to your best friends. Continue reading

salmon and courgette salad with feta and chervil

i just recognized that i did not post one single courgette recipe this season, even though   courgette is a really fast growing friend of the gardner. first courgettes will arrive in early summer and you can harvest until autumn. while most of the other vegetables will swamp you one time in the year and will disappear afterwords until next year. Continue reading

aioli with fish

there are dishes you may get addicted to. this one is my personal obsession this season. this means we had it quite often in the last months. eating seasonal in a foodies kitchen often means, that most ingredients change quite rapidly. they grow once a year and you will cook some of your old favorites and something new with them and than they disappear again. aioli with fish we had so often that even my family was surprised. Continue reading

fried codfish with greek beetroot and beet greens salad

first of all i want to highlight that the greek kitchen has much more to offer than i initially expected! when we travelled together to greece the first time, we rented a windmill house close to the sea and decided to cook only greek dishes. and i was surprised that greek kitchen is much more than tzatziki and dolmades, which, by the way, i also love. Continue reading

from farm to table: greek farmers salad

i am always very excited when i realize that almost everything on my plate is homegrown and a la minute from farm to table like this greek farmers salad is. when i bite into the crunchy cucumber and tasted the fruity sweetness of the tomatoes i thought that if you have high quality ingredients the recipe can even be very simple, it will be one of the best dishes you ever had! Continue reading