salad with “crouttins de chavignol”

i am a great admirer of the french bistro kitchen. it is either very easy and quick to cook or to prepare in advance and to arrange in the twinkling of an eye. so if there are any french readers, please correct me if i am wrong. this salad is representative of the first category, very easy and quick to cook. and of course, it is unbelievably delicious. Continue reading

garden lettuce with bacon dressing

it is incredibly good to have a really fresh garden lettuce from your own field or a really good farmer. it is more crunchy than you ever thought a lettuce could be and it tastes more intensive than all the ones from the supermarket. my mom is still crazy about the garden lettuce my grandmother had in her garden. so i am very happy to have a lucky hand with them as well.

this salad is an upper austrian classic and as simple and quick as an old farmers recipe should be. Continue reading

minestrone with garden vegetable

at the end, minestrone is nothing else than a walk through the garden picking every ripe vegetable and cook them all at once. the great thing about these kind of soups is that you are not bound to the ingredients of the recipe as you can take everything you like or you simply take what you have at home or in your garden. Continue reading

first big harvest of july

here comes the first big harvest of the main season and it makes me always very happy to see how all the things work and to know, this is just the beginning! we sowed the chard and beans in spring and planted courgette, cucumber and lettuce in late spring.

as the time to harvest all the great things approach, i am full of ideas what to cook. Continue reading