its cold outside. there have already been strong frosts at the beginning of the winter and i already gave up every hope that a single plant had survived. but surprise – surprise, there are some very strong little friends outside who can stand the unfriendly weather. there are still black radish and turnips underneath the earth, which are supposed to be frost resistant, but lamb´s lettuce is the only one, which can resist to frost and snow on the surface. Continue reading
christmas tastes: baked apples with crème anglaise
there are tastes and flavors we immediately associate with special times of the year, such as christmas. for me, there are christmas cookies, mulled wine, ginger bread, christmas stollen, goose, potato dumplings, red cabbage, how the christmas tree smells and the blown out matchstick after lighting the candles and baked apples. Continue reading
eatable christmas gifts: rosemary chocolate bark with brazilian nuts and fleur de sel
still need some small gifts for christmas? here you go: diy rosemary chocolate barks with brazilian nuts and fleur de sel. sounds exciting, no? Continue reading
eatable christmas gifts: “linzer augen”
advent season to me is the time to prepare christmas cookies, pralines, chocolate barks, caramelized almond barks and all the great stuff you will have only once a year – for christmas. and as they are not only tasty but as well very pretty, they are ideal gifts for friends and family. Continue reading
cabbage roll, “krautwickel” or “kohlroulade” with mashed potatoes
autumn and winter are the perfect time for savory meals. and for me, cabbage is the mother-of-all savory meals. in particular cabbage roll was one of the typical autumn and winter dishes of my childhood. back then we had no choice than eating regional and seasonal. now, in times of plenty and availability of everything around the whole year, we are finally back to eating regional and seasonal. Continue reading
cabbage harvest, pests fight and attempts to store
now that winter arrives, it is time to harvest the last cabbage. their harvest time depends on the period you planted them. early planted cabbages, in april or may, will be ready in the end of summer. and the cabbages planted in june will be ready in autumn. Continue reading
the almost perfect caesars salad
since i had the perfect caesars salad in my towns best pastrami deli, i am trying to find out how to make it by myself. maybe i simply will ask next time. until then, i am quite happy with this dressing. Continue reading
first blog anniversary(!) and linzer tart
what a great thing, foodiesgarden turned one some days ago. i am really astonished that one full year had passed and that i shared already four entire seasons of gardening and cooking with you. Continue reading
autumnal salad with glazed halloumi cheese, apples and lemon balm
this is exactly what an autumnal salad should be! a combination of chilled crunchy apples, soft grilled halloumi cheese, the unique aroma of the lemon balm, sweet and sour and last but not least the feeling of eating something very healthy to avoid a cold. Continue reading
autumn bonfire, sausage bbq, “steckerlbrot” and marshmallows
all of you who tried to connect the past days i am really sorry, but we had major server problems. but now everything is fine again! being offline did not feel good. to tell you the truth, there have been moments i drove everybody crazy around me. but there have been very delightful moments as well. in this offline peacefullness we had our autumn bonfire, where we burned all the wood we trimmed during the year and most importantly the asperagus fern. Continue reading