i love asian soups! in most of the cases they are so simple to prepare and they are much more delicate and aromatic as most other countries’ cuisins soups are. and to cook this soup you (almost) not even need any special ingredients which would stay on your kitchen board for the next 10 years without any use. Continue reading
white cabbage kimchi
the colder seasons culinarily is known here as the high season for cabbage. well, the time has come again and for all of you who don´t like cabbage soup and cabbage roll i want to offer a korean alternative – kimchi. Continue reading
slowly roasted tomatoes with avocado and feta cheese
this is exactly as good as it looks like. slowly roasted tomatoes with avocado and feta cheese topped with rucola and some basil oil. ambrosial! Continue reading
celery – sowing, growing and harvesting
harvesting this celery now is really amazing! it all started with my indoor propagation by seed in early spring. when the celery seeds started to sprout the celery has been like a pin and now, one summer later, one single celery plant is almost as big as my arm is! Continue reading
fresh mint tea
as autumn has arrived it is time for sitting on the sofa, cuddled up in a blanket with woolen socks on your feet, a good book and a glass of hot tea, of course! Continue reading
jamie´s baked pears in pastry with dark chocolate and almonds
pear recipe n° 1. this is the first thing i did with the pears of our hedge. while waiting for the pears i had a lot of time to collect ideas what to do with them once they are mellow. the baked pears in pastry with dark chocolate and almonds have been my personal priority number one. Continue reading
spinach – sowing, growing and harvesting
did you know that for some vegetables there are two seasons per year? spinach for example you can sow in march and harvest in may/june the first time and a second time you can sow it in august and harvest in september/october. we also grew lettuces, radishes and teltow turnips a second time this year. Continue reading
chard and potato mash with fish on bacon and dried tomatoes
oh, mh … seeing this picture and remembering the flavor is simply mouthwatering! wanna have it again, very soon. Continue reading
preserving summer – slowly roasted tomatoes
slow roasting is an excellent method to preserve the last summer aromas for a little bit longer. tomatoes become very soft and very sweet by this method and you can combine them to delicious meals like roasted tomatoes with avocado, rucola and feta cheese for example. Continue reading
finally it is pear time
late summer i discovered a pear tree in our hedge and since that time i am very excited. you might ask yourself now how i can “discover” a pear tree. but we did not plant the hedge ourselves and there are some wild pear trees in the hedge, which you can´t eat, unfortunately. but one day i saw some big shiny pears hanging between the leaves … Continue reading