eatable christmas gift and happy new year: quince paste // quittenkäse


another year with foodiesgarden comes to an end and it was a turbulent one! we moved back to berlin and thereby also back to having our garden almost in the neighborhood. but as some of you might have recognized, this unfortunately did not lead to more blogposts about gardening and cooking this year. because in addition to the moving, we both took some exciting steps in our jobs and therefor sometimes the food-writing had to step behind family and work. Continue reading

sowing, growing, harvesting: sweet potatoes // süsskartoffeln


i am so excited! this year we tried growing sweet potatoes by our own for the very first time and i really wasn’t sure if it will work out. i read somewhere that they need more than 100 days of sun, but that you cannot put them outside before end of may/ beginning of june, that they only grow in temperature above 24°C and so on. Continue reading

raw green asparagus and rocket salad // roher grüner spargel und ruccola salat

asparagus salad_raw_bearbeitet-1

times are so crazy, that there is almost no time for the nice things in the moment. of course we are having nice dinners, often. and of course we are gardening, somehow. but blogging? no way, unfortunately. but there are a couple of asparagus recipes I have to share with you before the season will be over. Continue reading

kale, sweet potato & hazelnut salad // grünkohl, süßkartoffel & haselnuss salat

kale, sweet potato and hazelnut salad_bearbeitet-1

dear friends, this is an enlightenment! as you already know, i am a great fan of eating uncooked kale. while the kale has to be chopped very finely for the kale salad i have posted you do not have to work that hard for this one. the secret to get the curly kale softer, so that you can eat larger pieces, is massage in some coconut oil. massaged kale sounds crazy to you? maybe it is, but it’s so good! Continue reading