garden lettuce soup with fried bacon // kopfsalatsuppe mit bacon

one phenomenon of growing your own food is that you will have a hugh amount of one vegetable in a very short period of time. but a varied diet is very important to me. already eating one and the same dish one day after the other, because we cooked too much of it, i detest. while buying your food in a supermarket you can influence the variety directly. by cooking from farm to table you have to create a variety by a very inventive use of the same ingredients. Continue reading

peas – sowing, growing, harvesting


this year everything is a little bit late in our garden, as the spring itself was very late. if you sow peas in early spring, march or april, they will be ready to harvest end of may or beginning of june. so they are real spring vegetables. very very green like the spring, fresh and if cooked only for a few minutes also very deliciously firm to bite. Continue reading

rhubarb tartelet with mint and honey – rhabarber tartelet mit minze und honig

rhubarb tartelettes

these tartlettes have a real story. i already mentioned last year that i do not really like rhubarb. nevertheless i posted one cake with rhubarb and following this post a friend of mine sent me this recipe, as he noticed that literally the only way i can eat rhubarb is as an ingredient of cakes. and these rhubarb tartlettes are so delicious that he could not imagine that they could not meet my taste and he was right! that’s why i am sharing it with you all now. Continue reading

sugar peas and crunchy rice salad // salat mit zuckererbsen und knusprigem reis

this salad is really, really delicious and a herald of the beginning summer. the sugar peas are unbelievable fresh and the rice in this recipe is fried till crunchy, which makes a really fantastic texture. in addition, the crunchiness is rounded by roasted pine nuts. thanks to some coriander and soy sauce the salad becomes an asian smack. i will have it again for sure if the next round sugar peas will be ready to harvest! Continue reading

homemade: elderflower syrup // holunderblütensirup // hollersaft


the fragrance of elderflower is in the air. while elderflower seems to be a very ordinary scrub, that grows like weed where-ever you put a branch into the ground, the smell and taste of the blossoms are surprisingly delicate. and by preparing some elderflower syrup you will be able to preserve this delicate fragrance until next year´s blossom. Continue reading

green austria – herbs & green asparagus tarte // grünes österreich – kräuter & grüner spargel tarte

asparagus tarte title

the austrian cuisine event inspired me to write this post. this tarte is extraordinary delicious and i planned to write about it already last year with our very, very first few asparagus. but last year the picture was not good enough and this spring was really busy. but here we go: my green version of austria, with lots of herbs and our own green asparagus. Continue reading