even though there is still winter outside, spring is really close now. and i can tell you, i am dying to start gardening again! until that time i will content myself to make plans and buy seeds. i am really obsessed by planning and since i try to do rotation farming and intercropping, it is absolutely necessary. Continue reading
chard and chickpea tarte
my chard and chickpea tarte is again a chard variation of an recipe which originally uses spinach. i cook and love the spinach and chickpea tarte since years but facing the still huge amount of chard in our freezer i tried it with chard and it’s very delicious as well. Continue reading
parsley pesto
a really tasty option to conserve parsley is making a pesto. as parsley as such is an allrounder, the pesto is as well. you can combine it with baked vegetable, fish or, as i prefer, with everything made of potato like gnocchi or potato cheese soufflé. and it is quite easy to prepare. Continue reading
nizza meets caesar salad
this is a combination of two salads i really like. the idea arose from the last iceberg lettuce of the season and a recipe from the dish magazin. we did’t have all the ingredients at home so we started to invent something new on the basis of this inspiration. Continue reading
last greens are the first greens
the last greens of the old year are the first greens of the new one. these pictures i took in early december when there have been still some greens in our garden, thanks to an incredible mild winter start here. Continue reading
red cabbage
red cabbage is one of the typical winter vegetables, as it is relatively frost-resistantant and storable. typically, we have it for christmas dinner or st. martins day Continue reading
turn green tomatoes into red
if you still have green tomatoes in your garden, you don´t have to throw them away. save them from frost and even though you can´t eat them as they are, because they are toxic as long as they are raw, there are some things you can do. Continue reading
green tomato chutney
it´s getting cold outside. no good news for the dedicated gardener. before you finish to winterize your garden completely and become sad about all the tomatoes which did not turn red any more this summer, make some green tomato chutney. Continue reading
chard and feta cheese tarte flambée
the idea of a chard tarte flambée was inspired by a recipe for spinach tarte flambée. but because we have tons of chard i tried this variation and if you once have prepared the chard it is a really quick meal and tastes fantastic. Continue reading
grow an overwhelming chard
to grow chard is one of the most easiest things. you almost have to do nothing. Continue reading