i think it is not necessary to spend more than a few words about pasta with bear´s garlic pesto. it is so simple, quick and good, that it will win your heart – and burn the roof of your mouth. Continue reading
indoor seed propagation
it is time for the next sowing round. now i will grow the more weather sensible plants indoor to plant them in may after the last night frosts. it is seeding time for celery, salad, cucumber, artichoke, courgette, pumkin and the three tries of the year, okra, honey melon and pepper padrón. Continue reading
bear´s garlic butter
this is my first bear´s garlic harvest of the year, but to be honest, it is not out of our own garden. i am very happy as we found a very rich bear´s garlic place. we just passed by in the car coincidently. Continue reading
garden cress in the egg
foodiesgarden wishes all of you happy easter holidays and comes up with a small eatable easter decoration idea for you: garden cress in the egg. Continue reading
chard knoedel
knoedel are the very austrian (ok maybe southern german, too) way of dumplings. be aware that the whole german speaking area knows hundreds of dumpling recipes and of course, the one from the home region is the single true one. Continue reading
very first seedtime
here we go! finally winter is over and we can start the next gardening season. Continue reading
get some wildness into your garden: bear´s garlic
bear´s garlic is one of the first fresh greens in spring. usually you can find it in the woods in moist habitats. the clou is, you have to know the place! Continue reading
pasta with kale pesto
kale pesto… am i serious? yes, i am! even though it was difficult to imagine, i tried it out and i can tell you, it tastes fantastic! Continue reading
our kale experience this year is a good example that gardening is also a permanent try and error. while the kale in our neighbors garden is overwhelming, ours just made the first shoots in autumn and fell into a deep, deep hibernation immediately afterwords. Continue reading
less is more – trimming your garden
trimming your garden is the first thing you can do in your garden before the new season begins. starting the season before the season sounds great Continue reading