tarte tatin de pomme is an absolute classic of french bakery but in every variation a new pleasant surprise. this tarte tatin pastry is made with goat cheese and served with ginger ice cream. both gives the traditional tarte an extra drive. Continue reading
courgette al forno
these are for sure the very last courgettes of the season. therefore it is great that the aromatic tomato and herb filling is an explosion of summer flavor. Continue reading
not just another kind of birthday cake
i don´t know how many birthday cakes one get´s in life. maybe not one cake per year, but surely many. and how many birthday cakes can you recall spontaneously, even though every single one has been prepared and given with love? i promise you, nobody will forget this birthday “cake”. Continue reading
the elderberries are ready to harvest
all the elderflowers you did not pick off in spring to enjoy elderflower pancake, elderflower syrup or other delicious things you can create with them, have turned into nice elderberries and are ready to harvest now. you simply have to be faster than the birds, as they love them, too. Continue reading
apple pie à la mama
when it comes to apple pie i was pretty dictatorial as a child. every autumn my mom is telling me about my protests against baking any other kind of apple pie. she often wanted to try new recipes but i refused to eat them. i insisted on this one! Continue reading
pumpkin seeds parfait with elderberry compote
ladies and gentlemen, here comes something extraordinary … directly out of the hedge in front of your door. it is really amazing how delicious those elderberries are. and what a shame to leave them to the birds only year by year. Continue reading
soda bread with rose hips jam
since many years i plan to cook rose hips jam but all the years more important things came up and yes, i was a bit afraid of the effort. well, this year i gave me a kick Continue reading
sparkling wine&rose hips syrup aperitif
this wonderful autumnal aperitif was created completely coincidentally as a side product of the rose hips jam i prepared. i started very enthusiastically to make the jam but turned relatively quick into a bundle of nerves. at the end i was not even willing to throw the remaining mash away.
apples for free
late summer and beginning of autumn represents for me almost a land of milk and honey. anywhere you go you will find something to harvest, in parks, on playgrounds, brownfields, roadsides, old fruit orchards and i don´t know where. you just have to open your eyes and pick the ownerless and mellow fruits. Continue reading
from your favorite tomato to tomato seeds
before you have eaten up your favorite tomatoes, think about making some seeds out of them to grow them again next summer. it is very easy and all you need are some tomatoes, jars and kitchen towel or coffee filter paper. Continue reading