it is time to harvest the spinach of the early spring first sowing round. there are many ways of eating spinach. one of my favorite is börek or gözleme. for a really long time i was looking for the perfect recipe to do this kind of pastry by myself. Continue reading
chive flower
nice flowers aren´t they? it is chive! Continue reading
dandelion salad – from the meadow to the plate
i am really a friend of harvesting eatable things in the wild. and it makes me even more happy, if weeds become food, like dandelion. we have million dandelions on our lawn and if you cut the meadow from time to time, you will have young and tender dandelion leaves for almost the whole year. Continue reading
easy to grow. very short time from sowing to harvest. very modest. very space-saving. and the early birds of the garden season. Continue reading
planting potatoes
before it is not longer true any more because too much time has passed by, here is my post about planting potatoes. in our region you plant them about two weeks before the ice saints in the middle of may. Continue reading
normally i don´t like the colorful things that much and what i really don´t like are these color mixed bouqets of flowers. but these tulips are out of the own garden Continue reading
last sowing round
this is the last big sowing round for this spring. there will follow fennel and runner beans during may and than there is a break until end of summer, when the autumn stuff will start. Continue reading
rhubarb cake
there we are. it´s rhubarb time! rhubarb is the very first fruit of the garden season and this is my very first cake with own fruits ever, as in the past years all the apples, pears and plums, strawberries, raspberries and so on have not been enough to garnish a cake with.
and by the way this rhubarb is something really special to me. Continue reading
bear´s garlic soup with char nockerl – bärlauchsuppe mit saiblingsnockerln
before the bear´s garlic season is over, i tried something different last weekend. here comes a very fine and harmonious dish. Continue reading
pizza with prosciutto and rucola
gosh, this is a pizza. it is not innovative at all, but it is unbelievablly crunchy and super tasty. this pizza simply is how a pizza should be and a little bit more. Continue reading