blackberry ice cream and homemade ice cream cones // brombeereis mit selbstgemachten eiswaffeln (stanitzel)

blackberry ice cream I

this describes my summer. every day we spend in the garden i ran absolutely excited to the blackberries to see if some more of them turned dark violet and sweet. and they did, every other day a few more. i only had to be quicker than the birds, the ants and … the child. the latter was the most competitive eater. i could only divert his attention with some raspberries and other delicious things.

after some days waiting and collecting blackberries, i was ready to prepare this fantastic ice cream. the recipe is from the german food magazin lust auf genuss, i only dropped the the cardamon. the ice cream was fruity, creamy and milky, just perfect. and the good news is that you can replace the blackberries with every fruit you like. so i found my basic fruit ice cream recipe!

despite that the ice cream by itself was a highlight, my personal favorite were the homemade ice cream cones! i don´t know why, but making ice cream cones on your own was for me the crowning achievement of enjoying food without commercial consumption. maybe it is because i could not imagine how to prepare them at home. but once upon a time i had no idea how to make creme anglaise without dr. oetker. so everything is possible …

i discovered the recipe for the ice cream cones on spoon, fork, bacon, a very nice food blog by the way.

and it was less complicated then i thought. you simply need a bit of time, as they are handmade, which means that you have to hold every single cone in your hands until the waffles become firm. a funny little detail: as i had no professional cone roller i borrowed the sand toys of our son. he has a plastic ice cream cone to play with sandy ice cream bowls. it worked very well and he had fun.

blackberry ice cream II

 blackberry ice cream:

250 g blackberries
185 g cream
185 g milk
75 g sugar
1/2 vanilla pod
4 egg yolks

pour milk, cream, sugar and vanilla in a pan, bring to a boil and set aside. beat up the egg yolks and stir in the milk and cream mixture. but be sure it is not too hot any more, because the egg yolks would curdle otherwise.

wash the blackberries, blend and pour through a sieve into the milk, cream and egg mixture. let it cool down a bit and add to your ice cream maker. once ready, put it for another 2 hours into the freezer to get the right consistency.

in the meantime you can start your ice cream cones, if you like.

ice cream cones:

2 egg whites
1 pinch of salt
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup melted butter
1/2 cup flour, plus 2 tbsp
2 tbsp milk
1/2 vanilla pod

a kitchen towel
cone roller
dark chocolate, melted

give the egg whites, salt, sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl and combine. add the melted butter and 1/2 cup flour and stir until all ingredients are well combined.

heat some oil in a frying pan. pour a small ladle of dough in the hot pan and bake for some minutes on the first side until the edges start to turn brown.

meanwhile, lay out a double folded kitchen towel sprinkled with some sugar.

turn around the cone cake and bake some minutes again. when it turns brown, put it on the kitchen towel, roll over your cone roller and hold until firm. this will take for about two minutes. in order not to burn your hands don´t forget the kitchen towel! set aside and let it cool down.

repeat until your done. this recipe will be for about 8-9 cones. you can dip the end of the ice cream cones in some melted chocolate to keep the melting ice cream in the cone.

stored in an airtight packing, the ice cream cones will be fine for 2 days. but anyhow, they won´t last that long …

have fun and enjoy!



250 g brombeeren
185 g sahne
185 g milch
75 g zucker
1/2 vanilleschote
4 eigelb

milch, sahne, zucker und vanilleschote in einen topf geben, aufkochen und zur seite stellen. eigelbe cremig schlagen und unter die milch und sahne-mischung ziehen. aber achtung, die milch und sahne-mischung sollte nicht mehr heiß sein, sonst stockt das eigelb.

brombeeren waschen, pürieren und durch ein sieb in die ei-milch-sahne-mischung streichen. etwas auskühlen lassen und dann in die eismaschine füllen. danach noch weitere 2h in den tiefkühler stellen, um die perfekte konsistenz zu erhalten.

in der zwischenzeit können die eiswaffeln gebacken werden.


2 eiweiß
1 prise salz
1/4 cup zucker
1/4 cup geschmolzenen butter
1/2 cup mehl, plus 2 el extra
2 el milch
1/2 vanilleschote

geschmolzene dunkle schokolade

eiweiß, salz, zucker und Vanille in eine schüssel geben und gut mischen. geschmolzene Butter und mehl dazu geben und gut verrühren.

in einer kleinen pfanne etwas öl erhitzen und eine kleine kelle vom teig hineingeben und backen bis die ränder golden werden.

in der zwischenzeit ein doppelt gefaltetes geschirrtuch auslegen und mit etwas zucker bestreuen.

die waffel in der pfanne wenden und backen bis auch die zweite seite golden wird. die waffel auf das geschirrtuch geben und mit dem waffelroller aufrollen und einige minuten halten bis die waffel fest wird. unbedingt das geschirrtuch verwenden, sonst verbrennt man sich die finger! die waffel zur seite stellen und komplett auskühlen lassen.

wiederholen bis der ganze teig aufgebraucht ist. das rezept reicht für acht bis neun waffeln. die spitzen der eiswaffeln kann man in geschmolzene schokolade tauchen, damit das eis, wenn es zu schmelzen beginnt nicht herausrinnt.

in einem luftdichten behälter bleiben die eiswaffeln für zwei tage frisch. wobei sie eigentlich eh zu gut sind, um nicht vorher schon aufgegessen worden zu sein.

viel spass und lasst es euch gut schmecken!

One thought on “blackberry ice cream and homemade ice cream cones // brombeereis mit selbstgemachten eiswaffeln (stanitzel)

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