super quick curd ice cream and fresh blackberries // superschnelle quarkeiscreme und frische brombeeren

curd ice cream and blackberries

if you have only a few blackberries this is the perfect idea to transform them in something big. the ice cream has a very subtle flavor of curd and will perfectly support the sweet fruity and a little bit sour blackberries.

without the blackberries the curd ice cream would be boring. so i strongly recommend to combine them together.

the curd ice cream is quickly prepared within less than two hours. and it is without eggs.  the curd already has a thicker consistence than ice cream mixture usually has, so it will freeze more quickly. but because of being egg-free you can not deep freeze the curd ice cream. it would loose its texture and would turn more in a parfait consistence, which would not be good to form ice cream scoops.

but anyhow, it will be so good that it will be difficult to wait too long for it or to keep some leftovers.

500 curd
120 g whipped cream
50 g sugar
50 g caster sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice


combine all the ingredients for the curd ice cream and let it rest for 30 minutes. pour into your ice cream maker or directly into the freezer. if you choose the last option you have to stir every half hour to crush the ice crystals.

if you use an ice cream maker, you should freeze your ice cream for half an hour (not longer, because otherwise it would turn into a parfait!). pay attention as some ice cream maker will not be able to turn the thick ice cream until the end of the 30 minutes.

enjoy the ice cream with blackberries.


500 g quark
120 g schlagsahne (-obers)
50 g zucker
50 g puderzucker
2 el zitronensaft


zunächst alle zutaten für die eiscreme mischen und eine halbe stunde ruhen lassen. in die eismaschine füllen oder direkt in einem becher in den tiefkühler geben. in dem fall muss die eiscreme alle halbe stunde gerührt werden um die eiskristalle zu zerstoßen, die sich bilden.

auch wenn man eine eismaschine verwendet sollte die eiscreme nach einer halben stunde noch mal für eine weitere halbe stunde in den tiefkühler, da die wenigsten eismaschinen so lange kühlen, bis das eis die richtige konstistenz hat. länger sollte das eis jedoch nicht im tiefkühler sein, da es (da ohne ei) sonst die konsistenz von parfait bekommt und man keine eiskugeln mehr daraus formen kann.

viel vergnügen!

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