four years with foodiesgarden and some tiny brown butter thyme cakes // vier jahre foodiesgarden und ein paar kleine braune butter und thymian küchlein

thyme cakes

there have been better years for foodiesgarden than the last one. our family grew, the jobs kept us busy and yes we did our gardening, we harvested and we ate good things and sometimes i also made some pictures … but most parts of the past months there was a permanent lack of time to write some words about it and to write the recipes … .

so i would like to let you know, i am still there. and times will come again, writing a new post each week. but till then i will be happy about each minute to join foodiesgarden.

and as time was precious, we kept cooking, of course!, but simple. that’s why one of our current favorite cookbooks are by nigel slater or parts of donna hay magazines, especially the quick & easy rubric…

and these tiny brown butter thyme cakes are from donna hay. they are the perfect baking for gardeners as you are baking with herbs that you can find in the garden until the winter. as you pour the hot brown butter on top of the thyme, it infuses its aroma into the cakes and they get a fine thyme flavor. and they look great on a winter-day or new years brunch!

so enjoy baking, hope you had great holidays and i wish you all a delicious 2016!

250 g butter
270 g honey
125 ml milk
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
300 g flour
1 tsp baking soda
110 g caster sugar
12 sprigs thyme

preheat the oven to 160° C.

melt 100 g of the butter and cook for 3-4 minutes until foamy and brown. transfer the brown butter to a large mixing bowl and add honey, milk, the whisked eggs, vanilla and whisk. add flour, baking soda and sugar and whisk again.

divide the mixture in mini muffin or mini loaf tins, which you should butter gently before. bake for about 20 minutes.

melt the remaining butter and cook for 3-4 minutes. when the cakes are done, place a thyme sprig on the top of each and pour over some of the browned butter.

enjoy as long as the butter is warm.


250 g butter
270 g honig
125 ml milch
2 eier
2 tl vanilleextrakt
300 g mehl
1 tl backpulver
110 g puder (staub)zucker
12 zweige thymian

den ofen auf 160° C.

100 g der butter in einer kleinen pfanne schmelzen und 3-4 minuten kochen, bis sie schaumig und braun wird. die braune butter in eine große schüssel geben und honig, milch, vanilleextrakt und verquirlte eier dazu geben. dann das mehl, backpulver und zucker untermischen.

den teig auf kleine muffinformen oder andere kleine kuchenformen verteilen, die zuvor gründlich gebuttert werden sollten. 20 minuten backen.

die übrige butter ebenfalls bräunen. auf jeden kleinen kuchen einen thymianzweig geben und etwas von der braunen butter darüber geben.

sie schmecken am besten, wenn die butter noch warm ist!

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