blackberry and tarragon grilled cheese sandwich // brombeer und estragon-käse sandwich

blackberry grilled cheese sandwich_bearbeitet-1

this recipe is the result of mixed up memories and improvisation, but it turned out to be excellent! blackberries, french brie cheese and tarragon between two slices of bread, grilled. as i remember right now, the original recipe was with fontina cheese and basil and the blackberries are mashed, but the alternative is outstanding.

the bakery girl told me about this delicious blackberry grilled cheese sandwich with tarragon while we talked about the phenomenal nigel slater apple-blackberry cake. and as we still had some blackberries, i had to try it for lunch the next day.

what i really like in that story is, once more more, it is not that important to follow exactly the recipe, but very often the basic idea is enough to inspire you to prepare something unique. and blackberries with tarragon are a very delicious combination.

for 2:

8 slices ciabatta bread
french brie cheese
on handful blackberries
3 sprigs tarragon

divide the cheese, blackberries and tarragon leaves on 4 of the bread slices and set the other 4 bread slices on top.

preheat a griddle pan or a normal pan (as you like). set the breads in the pan and press with a cooking tool until the bottom side turns golden. flip the sandwiches and repeat until the second side is also golden.

of course you can use a panini or sandwich maker. even a waffle maker will work.



8 scheiben ciabatta brot
französischer brie
eine handvoll brombeeren
3 zweige estragon

käse, brombeeren und estragon auf 4 ciabattascheiben verteilen. die anderen 4 brotscheiben darauf setzen.

eine grillpfanne oder auch eine normale pfanne etwas vorheizen. die brote hineinsetzen und mit einem topfdeckel andrücken bis die untere seite gegrillt ist. die brote wenden und das ganze für die zweite seite wiederholen.

man kann natürlich auch einen panini maker oder einen sandwich maker verwenden oder auch ein waffeleisen funktioniert.

guten appetit!

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