scrambled eggs with bear’s garlic // rührei mit bärlauch

scrambeled egg with bears garlic_bearbeitet-1

bear’s garlic is currently in season and if you like to eat it the whole day like me, here comes the good news: you can already start with it for breakfast! the lightly sautéed bear’s garlic adds its aromatic flavor to the eggs and the greens will give the scrambled eggs a great texture.

for breakfast I recommend some white bread or bun and if you want to enjoy the scrambled eggs with bear’s garlic for lunch or as a light dinner take some dark bread instead just like the zeit magazine weekly market recommends where I found this nice and easy bear’s garlic idea.

2 eggs per person
10 leaves of bear’s garlic per person
a splash of milk
1 tsp butter
1 tsp olive oil
salt and pepper

wash the bear’s garlic and dry carefully. heat the butter and olive oil in a frying pan and sauté the bear’s garlic leaves for one minute. remove from the pan and set aside.

scramble the eggs, add a splash of milk and season with salt. pour the eggs in the pan, add the bear’s garlic again and fry until the eggs get done. stir from time to time. serve immediately and pour over some fresh grounded black pepper.



2 eier pro person
10 bärlauchblätter pro person
ein schluck milch
1 el butter
1 el olivenöl
salz und pfeffer

den bärlauch waschen und gut wieder trocknenen. die butter in einer pfanne erhitzen und den bärlauch für eine minute darin anschwitzen. aus der pfanne nehmen zur seite stellen.

die eier verschlagen, einen schluck milch dazugeben sowie salz und pfeffer. die eier in die pfanne geben, den bärlauch wieder dazu geben und braten bis die eier gestockt sind. ab und an umrühren. mit etwas frisch gemahlenem pfeffer servieren.

guten appetit!

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