styrian “kaeferbohnen” salad // steirischer käferbohnensalat

kaeferbohnen salat_bearbeitet-1

it was in tirol and not in styria when i had this salad for the very first time. but it doesn´t matter, it was the very best kaeferbohnen salad i can imagine and i ever had since that first time.

i don´t know why but you can´t buy kaeferbohnen in germany, not even in organic food stores. but as i had fallen in love with that salad it became a necessity that we had to grow kaeferbohnen ourselves.

the inspiration of this salad comes from the gasthaus “burenwirt” in innsbruck. if you should ever be in innsbruck you have to go to this gasthaus, it is one of my favorites in austria! they call this dish winzer salad and it is with kaeferbohnen, red onions, radish, lettuce, roast meat, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seeds oil. i combined all these things and was very satisfied, the result was almost as good as i remember it …

you can have this salad also without the roast as a vegetarian variation or only with kaeferbohnen and red onions as a very basic version.

for more ideas with beans look here: gaertnerblog “bohnenevent”.

for 4:

100 g kaeferbohnen
1 red onion
roast (or leftovers from tafelspitz)
1 black radish
2 handful of lettuces (whatever is in season)
roasted pumpkin seeds
6 tbsp apple vinegar
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds oil
50 ml cold broth
salt and pepper

water the beans for 24 h before cooking. they have to cook together with the caraway, garlic, bayleaf and some salt for about one hour until they are soft. you can prepare them in advance, because they should be cooled down.

cut the roast in thin slices. wash the lettuce. peel the black radish and slice very thinly. peel the onion and thinly slice. roast the pumpkin seeds in a pan until they begin to crack. and finally combine the apple vinegar, olive oil, pumpkin seed oil, broth, salt and pepper to a creamy dressing.

arrange beans, meet, onion, lettuce and radish. mix with the dressing and sprinkle some pumpkin seeds on top.

enjoy and mohlzeit!


100 g käferbohnen
1 rote zwiebel
braten (oder reste vom tafelspitz)
1 schwarzer rettich
2 handvoll salat (was auch immer gerade saison hat)
geröstete kürbiskerne
6 el apfelessig
1 el olivenöl
2 el kürbiskernöl
50 ml abgekühlte brühe
salz und pfeffer

die bohnen über nacht vor dem kochen einweichen. und dann gemeinsam mit dem kümmel, knoblauch, lorbeerblatt und salz etwa eine stunde kochen, bis die bohnen weich sind. die bohnen können auch vorbereitet werden, da sie für den salat abgekühlt sein sollen.

den braten in ganz dünne scheiben schneiden. salat waschen. den schwarzen rettich schälen und ebenfalls in ganz dünne scheiben schneiden. die zwiebel schälen und in dünne spalten schneiden. die kürbiskerne in einer pfanne anrösten bis sie beginnen zu knacken. und schließlich den apfelessig, olivenöl, kürbiskernöl, brühe, salz und pfeffer zu einem cremigen dressing vermischen.

bohnen, fleisch, rettich, salat und zwiebeln auf tellern arrangieren. mit dem dressing mischen und die gerösteten kürbiskerne darüber streuen.

guten appetit und mohlzeit!

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