sowing, growing and harvesting: beetroot


beetroots are one of the vegetables which turned out very well in our garden all the years without  any exception. you sow them in spring and can start to harvest while thinning out in early summer and finish the harvest in autumn.

as they get really big by the end of the summer, they need some space from beginning. leave a distance between the rows of 30 cm. sow in rows and start to thin out when the first sprouts show up. in early summer the beets you will thin out will have the size of a golf ball. at this time they are perfect as roasted vegetables with some honey and balsamic vinegar. getting bigger they will need space between each of about 10 cm. they can get big like a tennis ball.

in my childhood i knew beetroot only as a salad marinated with oil, vinegar and caraway. to be honest to me beetroot was a bit boring. but later i discovered a soup with beetroot, roasted beetroots, ravioli with beetroot, beetroot pure and even as a salad including the green leaves of the plant. and i think this list can be endless …

so try it out and discover beetroot by yourself.

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