green asparagus and bear’s garlic with prawns // grüner spargel und bärlauch mit garnelen

asparagus meets bears garlic_bearbeitet-1

on this plate asparagus meets bear’s garlic. every year there is a very narrow window where you can have both, because bear’s garlic season ends, when the asparagus season begins. so use the opportunity.

if you have a bit more time for preparation, you can opt for the green asparagus tart, which also combines those two ingredients. the asparagus and bear’s garlic with prawns salad is perfect for a very quick lunch or dinner.

i have no idea how much time the preparation exactly takes, but you only have to cook the asparagus for about 3 minutes, as well as the prawns, chop the bear’s garlic and prepare the dressing – ready.

for 1:

6 green asparagus stalks
10 leaves bear’s garlic
4 prawns
1/2 lemon
4 tbsp olive oil

cut off the lower parts of the asparagus and peel the lower third of each stalk. cut the asparagus in pieces of about 4-5 cm. wash the bear’s garlic and chop roughly.

cook the asparagus and the prawns separately for 3 minutes each. strain off the water and rinse with very cold water. set aside.

prepare the dressing by combining the juice of halve a lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper.

combine asparagus, prawns, bear’s garlic and the dressing and arrange on a serving plate.



für 1:

6 stangen grünen spargel
10 blätter bärlauch
4 garnelen
1/2 zitrone
4 el olivenöl

den unteren teil des spargels abschneiden und das verbleibende untere drittel schälen. die spargelstangen in etwa 4-5 cm große stücke schneiden. den bärlauch waschen und grob hacken.

spargel und garnelen jeweils 3 minuten kochen. abgießen und mit sehr kaltem wasser abschrecken. zur seite stellen.

für das dressing den saft der halben zitrone, olivenöl, salz und pfeffer vermischen.

spargel, garnelen, bärlauch und das dressing vermischen und auf einem teller anrichten.

guten appetit!

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