(perfect) pancakes, dandelion flower syrup, fried egg and bacon // (perfekte) pancakes, löwenzahnsirup, spiegelei und bacon


mmmmh … this is a perfect sunday breakfast. fluffy pancakes, sweet dandelion syrup, fried egg and crunchy bacon. this will make you perfectly happy.

for a long time i was looking for the perfect pancake recipe. this is the best i could find till now. it is from one of these recipe platforms where you usually don’t find very good things and had the title original pancake recipe from eighteenhundredsomething. normally all reasons to continue scrolling very quickly. but it sounded good. made with buttermilk and beaten egg whites. so i gave it a chance et voila, the best pancakes i ever made.

pancakes are good in multiple variations. i prefer them in the sweet and salty combination with egg and bacon and syrup. you can use any syrup you like. the classic one would be maple syrup. but we still had some of our dandelion syrup from last spring. and before the next spring with its’ dandelion flowers approaches we wanted to enjoy the fruits of our harvest.

3 eggs
500 ml butter milk
250 g flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp sugar
60 g melted butter




beat the egg yolk until creamy. add milk, flour, baking soda and sugar and mix until combined. pour in the melted butter and combine. beat the egg whites and fold carefully into the dough.

heat a bit of butter or oil in a frying pan and fry your pancakes until golden. to keep them warm, put them in the oven at 100°C. fry the bacon and eggs if you have chosen this option.

during summer, the pancakes will also be delicious with yoghurt, syrup and fresh fruits.

serve immediately.

and enjoy!


3 eier
500 ml buttermilch
250 g mehl
1 tl natron
1el zucker
60 g geschmolzene butter




die eigelbe in einer schüssel cremig schlagen. milch, mehl, natron und zucker dazu geben und verrühren. die geschmolzene butter unterrühren. das eiweiß steif schlagen und vorsichtig unter den teig heben.

etwas butter oder mehl in eine pfanne geben und die pancakes darin von beiden seiten goldbraun backen.  um die pancakes warm zu halten, kann man sie in den auf 100°C vorgeheizten ofen stellen. währenddessen, wer mag, den bacon und die eier braten.

im sommer sind die pancakes auch mit joghurt, sirup und frischen früchten sehr gut.

sofort servieren.

guten appetit!

2 thoughts on “(perfect) pancakes, dandelion flower syrup, fried egg and bacon // (perfekte) pancakes, löwenzahnsirup, spiegelei und bacon

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