kale and quinoa pilaf // grünkohl und quinoa pilaf

kale and quinoa pilaf_bearbeitet-1

before the end of the winter (yippi yeah) i have to hurry up to share this fabulous kale recipe with you. i hope you will still find some kale to try it this season. it is a combination of crunchy kale, quinoa, lemon juice, garlic, spring onions, goat’s cheese and pine nuts. perfect!

the kale is steamed for only some minutes to remain crunchy and to keep the green color. the moment when the hot kale and quinoa meets the garlic, lemon and walnut oil is like heaven. don’t miss to take a deep breath.

it’s an equally great moment when the goat’s cheese melts a little bit while being combined with all the hot ingredients. so enjoy the kale and quinoa pilaf immediately to enjoy all this together.

i discovered the recipe on food52, which, by the way, is always a good idea if you’re looking for something very good.

the kale and quinoa pilaf is best as long as it is warm but also nice as a cold office lunch the next day.

for 2-4:

1 cup quinoa
2 cups water
a bunch of kale
1 lemon
2 spring onions
1 tbsp walnut oil
some olive oil (optional)
1 handful pine nuts
crumbled goat’s cheese
salt and pepper

bring the water to a boil, add a pinch of salt and quinoa. reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes. in the meantime, wash and roughly chop the kale. pour the kale on top of the quinoa, re-cover and simmer for 5 minutes. then turn off the heat and allow to steam for another 5 minutes.

in-between roast the pine nuts. wash and finely chop the spring onions. put both, together with half of the lemon juice, lemon zest, walnut oil and crumbled goat’s cheese, in a large bowl.

when the quinoa and kale are done, pour them in the bowl as well and toss to combine. season to your desire with salt, pepper and the remaining lemon juice. if you like, you can also add a splash of olive oil.



für 2-4:

1 tasse quinoa
2 tassen wasser
1 bund grünkohl
1 zitrone (unbehandelt)
2 frühlingszwiebeln
1 el walnussöl
etwas olivenöl (optional)
1 handvoll pinienkerne
ziegenkäse, zerbröselt
salz und pfeffer

das wasser zum kochen bringen. eine gute prise salz und quinoa hinzufügen und 10 minuten mit deckel leicht köcheln lassen. inzwischen den grünkohl waschen und grob hacken. den grünkohl auf das quinoa geben, den topf wieder abdecken und weitere 5 minuten köcheln lassen. dann den herd ausschalten und noch mal 5 minuten dämpfen.

inzwischen die pinienkerne anrösten. die frühlingszwiebeln waschen und fein hacken. beides mit der hälfte des zitronensaftes, der zitronenschale, walnussöl und dem zerbröselten ziegenkäse in eine große schüssel geben. mit salz, pfeffer und nach wunsch dem restlichen zitronensaft abschmecken und wer mag, kann auch noch etwas olivenöl dazu geben.

guten appetit!

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