bear’s garlic soup with creamy sheep’s milk cheese // bärlauchsuppe mit frischkäse vom schaf

bears garlic soup with sheeps milk cheese_bearbeitet-1

to be honest, i adopted a bit the original recipe for this bear’s garlic soup which i found at valentines kochbuch and that was from the book “mein bistro zu hause” (my bistro at home). this way it is a super tasty and super quick weekday dinner.

originally the idea of the recipe was to cook not only with the bear’s garlic leaves but also with the root tubers, which i never tried before and it sounded extremely interesting to me. but unfortunately i am quite cautious with our bear’s garlic plants as eating the tubers too would mean that we would not have any bear’s garlic next year. but maybe i will get some from the woods next year.

for this year i am happy with the soup as described below and using the leaves only is easier to clean which means a much shorter preparation.

depending on your liking you can enjoy the soup with some cream. this will give it a milder taste or with some sheep’s milk cheese that will add an extra kick. i was lucky to get some homemade cream cheese as a brunch potluck last weekend (thank you mathias)! but you can also buy some brevis cheese at your favorite organic grocery stores.

for 3:

1 onion
4 potatoes
1 tbsp butter
a large bunch of bear’s garlic
1 liter chicken stock

sheep’s milk cheese (like brevis)

peel the onion and chop finely. also peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. wash and chop the bear’s garlic. melt the butter in al large pan and sauté the onions over low heat for 5 minutes. add the potatoes and bear’s garlic, cover with a sheet of baking paper and press it a bit on the vegetables in the pan. sauté over low heat for another 10 minutes.

add the stock and simmer for 15 minutes until the potatoes are tender. now blend the soup until creamy, well combined and green.

serve with some cream and topped with sheep’s milk cheese if you like.



1 zwiebel
4 kartoffeln
1 el butter
ein großer bund bärlauch
1 l hühnerbrühe

schafskäse (zb. brevis)

die zwiebel schälen und fein würfeln. auch die kartoffeln schälen und in würfel schneiden. den bärlauch waschen und hacken. die butter in einem großen topf schmelzen und die zwiebeln für 5 minuten dünsten. kartoffeln und bärlauch dazugeben und mit backpapier abdecken, dabei das backpapier an das gemüse andrücken. 10 minuten bei geringer hitze garen.

die brühe dazu gießen und 15 minuten köcheln lassen, bis die kartoffeln gar sind. nun die suppe pürieren bis alle zutaten gut miteinander verbunden sind und eine cremige, grüne suppe entstanden ist.

wer mag serviert die suppe mit etwas sahne und/ oder schaftskäse.

guten appetit!

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