shakshuka with kale and goat’s cheese // grünkohl-shakshuka mit ziegenkäse

shakshuka with kale and goats cheese_bearbeitet-1

i don´t know what comes up to your mind while thinking about kale. my german cooking socialisation is marked by kale with sausages, cooked for hours until the kale lost everything. its texture. its color. its flavor … so i have been positively surprised to discover that kale can be completely different: green, firm to a bite, tasty, fresh, aromatic …

my first discovery was that kale grows in so many different regions of the world and they all do completely different things with it. And my very first experience with kale away from the german thing was an israelian shakshuka with kale and goats cheese and it was such a pleasure to eat, that i could repeat it daily.

i adapted the recipe from adorable kinfolk a bit and took the double amount of kale and goats cheese but i think when you cook shakshuka more often, it will make its own way anyhow.

even though shakshuka traditionally is for breakfast, we had it once for dinner and once for lunch and it was very good both times.

for 4:

¼ cup olive oil
1 small onion
2 cups finely chopped kale
5 cloves of garlic
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chipotle powder or other spicy seasoning
800 g canned tomatoes
4 eggs
1 cup goats cheese
1 tbsp parsely
1 tbsp basil
salt and pepper

 white bread

peel the onions and garlic. chop the the onions and cut the garlic in slices. heat the oil in a frying pan, add onions, garlic and chopped kale and stir until soft. add cumin and chipotle powder and stir. add the tomatoes and the tomato juice, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

season with salt once everything thickened a bit. make 4 little wholes in the shakshuka to crack the eggs into. cover and cook for 5 minutes depending on how you prefer your egg. remove from heat and top with goat’s cheese, parsley and basil.

enjoy with some white bread.

shakshuka with kale_bearbeitet-1


für 4:

1/4 tasse olivenöl
1 kleine zwiebel
2 tassen fein gehackter grünkohl
5 knoblauchzehen
1 tl kreuzkümmel
1 tl chilipulver oder anderes scharfes gewürz
1 große dose tomaten (800g)
4 eier
1 tasse ziegenkäse
1 el petersilie
1 el basilikum
salz und pfeffer


zwiebeln und knoblauch schälen. die zwiebeln würfeln und den knoblauch in scheiben schneiden. das öl in einer pfanne erhitzen und zwiebeln, knoblauch und grünkohl hineingeben. einige minuten unter rühren weich dünsten. kreuzkümmel und chili einrühren.  tomaten mit dem saft dazugeben, die hitze reduzieren und 15 minuten köcheln lassen.

mit salz würzen. wir kleine löcher in das shakshuka drücken und die eier hinein schlagen. mit einem deckel abdecken und 5 minuten köcheln lassen bis die eier so sind, wie du sie magst. vom herd nehmen und mit ziegenkäse, petersilie und basilikum bestreuen.

mit weißbrot servieren und guten appetit.

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