asparagus & radish salad – salat mit spargel und radieschen

asparagus and radish salad II_large

green asparagus and crunchy radish, what tastes more like spring than this combination?  the green asparagus is baked in the oven for a few minutes only to stay crunchy and the radishes add their freshness, topped with a light olive oil and white wine vinegar dressing. the asparagus and radish salad is one of my favorite asparagus dishes and every year one of the first things i have to cook with asparagus.

but this year there is something special! this asparagus is our own. we planted the asparagus roots in 2011 and have been waiting since that time to start harvesting. now in 2013 is our first asparagus harvest year and it feels great! we are harvesting huge amounts of asparagus in these weeks, which really makes me happy.

another particularity of this salad makes me happy too. the single bought ingredients of the whole dish are the olive oil and the white wine vinegar. the asparagus and the radishes are from our garden and the eggs from our neighbor who has a friend who has some chicken. so this dish was very close to self-sufficiency. and of corse the salad has been extremely delicious by all those high quality ingredients.

apsaragus and radish salad

for 2:

two hands full of green asparagus
one bunch of radish
2 eggs
6 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp white wine vinegar

preheat the grill of your oven to maximum and already put the griddle inside to preheat as well. in the meantime you can wash the asparagus. you do not have to peel green asparagus. it should be enough to cut off about 1-2 cm of the end and if you have the feeling you should peel it, peel only the lower third of the asparagus.

pour some olive oil on the griddle, add the asparagus and grill for about 10 minutes maximum. turn the asparagus over once while baking. sprinkle over some salt.

wash the radishes and thinly slice. cook the eggs for about 8 minutes. they should be hard enough to chop. combine the oil, vinegar and some salt to a creamy dressing.

arrange the baked asparagus on two plates, sprinkle over the radishes, pour over the dressing and set the chopped eggs on the top. season to taste with some salt and freshly grounded black pepper.

i recommend a good chilled glass of white wine and some bread like ciabatta to the asparagus and radish salad and wish you bon appetite, enjoy!


für 2:

2 hände voll grünen spargel
1 bund radieschen
2 eier
6 el olivenöl
2 el weißweinessig

den grill im ofen auf maximaler hitze vorheizen inklusive des backblechs. in der zwischenzeit den spargel waschen. es ist eigentlich nicht nötig grünen spargel zu schälen, sondern 1-2 cm der spargelenden abzuschneiden, sollte genügen. wenn überhaupt wir grüner spargel maximal im unteren drittel geschält.

etwas olivenöl auf das vorgeheizte backblech geben, spargel auf dem backblech verteilen und etwa 10 minuten bei maximaler hitze grillen, etwas salz über den spargel streuen.

radieschen waschen und in dünne scheiben schneiden. eier etwa 8 minuten kochen, bis sie hart genug sind um anschließend gehackt zu werden. olivenöl, weißweinessig und etwas salz zu einem cremigen dressing vermischen.

den spargel auf zwei tellern arrangiere, die radischen darüber geben, das dressing und zum schluss die gehackten eier. mit salz und frisch gemahlenem pfeffer würzen.

ich empfehle zum spargel und radieschensalat ein gut gekühltes glas weißwein und zum beispiel ciabatta-brot und wünsche einen guten appetit!

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