apple crumble // apfel crumble

apple crumble_bearbeitet-1having those apple crumbles was a kind of enlightenment. i had apple crumbles before, but didn’t find anything special, so never made them by myself. but after discovering this best crumble ever, apple crumble came back into my mind and i was in heaven.

warm apples and cinnamon, crumbles with oat meal, vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce … there is nothing to add. everyone will love it! the first warm apple crumble we shared by three because it was ready immediately before lunch but waiting any second longer was impossible. the child loved the apple crumble so much that he got hysteric when it was empty. so be sure to have enough of them at the right time. they are best as long as they are still warm, but also one or two days later.

5-6 apples
halve a lemon
1 tbsp flour
2 tbsp sugar


60 g butter
60 g flour
70 g brown sugar
2 tbsp oat meal

preheat the oven to 190°C

peel the apples, remove kernels and cut into pieces. combine the apples with the juice of halve a lemon, flour, sugar and cinnamon and divide into several small baking dishes or one large.

combine all the ingredients for the crumble and combine with the help of your fingers until crumbly. crumble them on top of the apples and bake for about 30 minutes until golden.

remove from the oven, allow to cool down a little bit and serve with ice-cream and caramel sauce for example.



5-6 äpfel
1/2 zitrone
1 el mehl
2 el zucker


60 g butter
60 g mehl
70 g brauner zucker
2 el haferflocken

den ofen auf 190° C vorheizen.

äpfel schälen, kerne entfernen und in stücke schneiden. äpfel mit saft der halben zitrone, mehl, zucker und zimt mischen und zwischen mehreren kleinen ofenfesten formen verteilen oder in eine große geben.

für die streusel alle zutaten in eine schüssel geben und mit hilfe der finger vermengen und abbröseln. die streusel dann auf den äpfeln verteilen und alles etwa 30 minuten goldbraun backen.

aus dem ofen nehmen, etwas abkühlen lassen und noch warm mit vanilleeiscreme und karamelsauce servieren.

viel vergnügen!

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